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Arch. DI Dietger Wissounig
Master’s degree in architecture, Graz
state-authorised and sworn civil engineer
Managing Director


Team (alphabetical order)

DI Meta Ambrožič
Master’s degree in architecture, Graz
Project collaboration

DI Alexander Blacher
Master’s degree in architecture, Graz
Project collaboration

DI Thomas Breyer
Master’s degree in architecture, Graz
Project collaboration

DI Stefan Kropsch
Master’s degree in architecture, Graz
Project collaboration

DI Peter Lorber
Master’s degree in architecture, Graz
Project management, project collaboration

Melissa Luu, BSc
Masterstudent of architecture, Graz
Project collaboration

Veronika Novak, BSc
Masterstudent of architecture, Graz
Project collaboration

DI David Ortner
Master’s degree in architecture, Graz
Project collaboration

MSc Tomasz Padlo
Master’s degree in architecture, Gliwice
Project collaboration

DI Hannes Petautschnig
Master’s degree in architecture, Graz
Project collaboration

Arch. DI Patrick Steiner
Master’s degree in architecture, Graz
Civil engineer examination
Project management, project collaboration